
The Capitol Theatre in about 1930. Looking west along the north side of Main Street between Duff and Douglas. Built in 1911; acquired in 1920 by Joseph V. Gerbrach who changed the name from the Princess Theatre. Two doors beyond can be seen part of the sign for the Twin Star Theater which was first opened as the Scenic Theater in 1907 and was acquired by Gerbrach and renamed in 1934. Joseph also seems to have renamed himself, dropping the final "t" in his last name, going from Joe Gerbracht to Joe Gerbrach. Both theaters were closed by the late 1940's. (See also: 132.728.3-4; 134.735.1-3; 134.736.1-6;34.738.1-6)
Citation: 133.734.1
Year: 1930 (approx.)