Please use this form to request items not found in the Ames Public Library catalog.
To request multiple items, please fill out the form 1 time for each item.
Staff will determine, based on budget, publication date, and whether or not the item is of interest to other library customers, if the library will purchase the item or try to borrow it from another library on interlibrary loan. Please note that it may take up to 6 weeks or longer to receive an item.
In order to make a request, your account must be in good standing (less than $25 in charges on an account).
Due to budget priorities, access to interlibrary loan through Ames Public Library is only available to patrons residing in Story County. We encourage residents in neighboring counties to reach out to their local library to request interlibrary loan services.
Limits per customer: 5 active requests at any given time.